Who says you have to shell out major dough to prettify your home? These quick and easy fixes should get your place looking like it has undergone extensive and expensive renovation.
Paint it!
Painting the walls of your home makes a universe of difference. Turn your drab room into a bright boudoir by painting your walls outrageous orange, green, or yellow.
Work it with wallpaper.
Admit it: Wallpapering your room seems more posh than just splattering it with paint. Too pricey for you? Learn to create a paint effect like stripes for a more wallpaper-y feel.
Say yes to stencil.
Master the art of stenciling adorable patterns on your wall, and you will practically feel the style meter of your room goingthrough the roof.
Ditch the old carpet.
Get your room looking brand-new by replacing your outdated carpet. Buy one that is classic, neutral, and made to last.
Tackle sticky structural stitches.
It can be as easy as taking care of the plumping problems or fixing your damp walls.
Go on a spring-cleaning spree.
You’d be surprised what a decluttering marathon would do to your house. Don’t hesitate in getting rid of stuff you no longer need. We’re all for sentimental stuff, but trust us, you’re better off without those boxes of your ex’s dusty clothes you used to sleep in.
Add shelves and storage pieces to your home.
One way of dealing with small, clutter-y items is dumping them in boxes or displaying them on your shelves. You’ll be making your home more spacious by doing so.
Say it with colors.
We can’t emphasize the role of color in jazzing up your home enough. Bid sayonara to your earthy, blah-looking appliances and replace them with zesty-looking ones. Haul your depressingly gray sofa out of the living room and exchange it for one that is brighter(red, anyone?) and immensely more beautiful.
Light it up with LEDs.
Not only are LEDs more energy-efficient, they’re also more stylish and versatile. LED lamps are great for accentuating the mood of any room.
Dress it up with drapes.
Cut boring curtains out of your life! Invest in fancy and fabulous window dressings to bring color and energy to your room.
Cover photo courtesy of Domayne